Discover Your Ancestral Story

At AncestralResonance, we help you uncover the stories and experiences of your ancestors like never before. Our unique approach goes beyond DNA testing to reveal fascinating insights about the people who came before you.



Psychohistory profile of 1 ancestor- Get an in-depth look into who this ancestor truly was as a person - their personality, values, life experiences.Generational patterns overview - Understand recurring themes/behaviors that got passed down through your family line.Migration summary - See the journey and travels of this ancestor mapped out.



Includes everything from ECHOES FROM THE PAST, plus:2 Ancestor psychohistory profiles- Discover the real personas of two different ancestors.Emotional life arcs- Follow the ups and downs that shaped their inner lives.Resonance family tree - See how their vibrations and imprints flowed through generations.Visual migration maps - Easily visualize the journeys your ancestors took.



Includes everything from THE ANCESTOR DUOS, plus:Up to 3 psychohistory profiles - Get in-depth life stories for three of your ancestors.Life challenges/triumphs - Understand what difficult experiences and successes molded them.Generational resonance analysis - Learn the patterns handed down that influence you today.Vibrational influence mapping - See how ancestors' vibrations impacted each other across time.



Includes everything from FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME plus:Up to 5 ancestor psychohistory profiles - Receive richly detailed life chronicles for five ancestors.Belief systems/worldviews - Discover their fundamental philosophies on life.Transformative experiences - Learn what pivotal moments reshaped their core selves.Resonance timeline - See a visual timeline of how resonances interplayed through generations.


We are a team of expert timeline perceptioneers committed to helping you explore your rich family history. Our mission is to shine a light on the lives of your ancestors and understand how their journeys have shaped your life.

Uncover the Lives of Your Ancestors


With Ancestral Resonance, you'll discover the rich stories and experiences of your ancestors like never before. Our groundbreaking PORTAL method, working on the MindBridgeOS framework, allows us to connect with the vibrational signatures of your lineage, offering insights far beyond what DNA tests reveal. From their struggles and beliefs to their daily experiences, we compile personalized reports that provide a profound glimpse into your roots.

we offer a unique opportunity


Go Beyond DNA - Our PORTAL method provides insights that DNA tests simply cannot uncover.
Personalized For You - Each report is tailored specifically to your family history, offering a unique view into your heritage.
Uncover Profound Connections - Learn how your ancestors' lives and choices continue to resonate with your own experiences today.

Information that goes


Traditional DNA testing can tell you about your ethnic origins and help identify distant relatives. However, it cannot reveal the rich personal stories and life experiences of your ancestors. Our PORTAL technique allows us to delve deeper, uncovering details about:- Their daily lives and personal struggles
- Their beliefs, values, and personalities
- Significant events and journeys they undertook
- Artistic and Creative Expressions
- Health and Wellness Practices
- Community and Social Roles
- Relationships and Familial Dynamics
- Economic and Professional Endeavors
- Cultural and Religious Practices
- Language and Communication
- How their choices and experiences impact your life in the present.
...and more report options available.


Ancestral Imprint Analysis

What is it?
The Ancestral Imprint Analysis is a special add-on report that explores how your ancestral lineage has shaped your personality, tendencies, and overall well-being.
Through our unique PORTAL method, we go beyond just piecing together the stories of your ancestors. We analyze the vibrational signatures and energetic resonances passed down through your lineage to uncover profound insights about you.What information does it provide?
This in-depth report shows the potential ways your ancestral inheritances influence your:
- Personal Tendencies
Discover core personality traits, thought patterns, and innate tendencies that have been passed down through the generations. Gain clarity on why you think/behave certain ways.
-Strengths & Gifts
Unearth the special talents, abilities, and gifts that have been woven into your lineage over time.
Understand your inherent strengths.
-Challenges & Struggles
Shed light on struggles, hurdles, and challenges that have been imprinted by your ancestors' difficult experiences and generational patterns.
-Life Lessons
Receive guidance on key lessons your lineage beckons you to integrate to foster growth, healing, and fulfillment in this life.
By tracing the vibrational signatures of your lineage, this report empowers you to cultivate a purposeful future. You'll gain clarity on which inherited patterns are worth preserving and nurturing, and which ones should be consciously released. Embrace the ancestral gifts that serve your highest good, while compassionately transforming struggles into opportunities for growth. This unparalleled self-knowledge allows you to shape your legacy with intention, fostering the traits and tendencies that will create a more fulfilling life for generations to come.Add-on beginning at $150


Unveiling Ancestral Stories:

THE POWER OF PSYCHOHISTORYUnlock the Deep Stories of Your Ancestors!Have you ever wondered who your ancestors truly were? What drove them, what shaped their lives? Traditional research gives you dates and places, but not the rich, personal stories.Introducing Psychohistory! It's a revolutionary approach that goes beyond facts to reveal your ancestors' complete life journeys. We use this advanced technique to connect with their "vibrational signatures," uncovering the hopes, dreams, struggles, and experiences that made them who they were.Psychohistory goes beyond names and dates. Our detailed profiles explore your ancestors' personalities, motivations, pivotal moments, and even how their lives continue to impact you. Imagine discovering your great-grandmother's artistic spirit, your grandfather's unwavering work ethic, or the visionary ancestor who defied norms.Psychohistory reveals the human stories. You'll learn about their triumphs, risks, and hard-won realizations. It's like experiencing their joys and struggles firsthand. By understanding their journeys, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Perhaps your entrepreneurial spirit echoes an ancestor's daring ventures, or your love of adventure reflects a trailblazing relative.AncestralResonance reconnects you to your vibrant heritage. We unveil the extraordinary lives and stories that shaped you.

What to Expect After Purchasing Your Psychohistory PackageUpon purchasing your personalized Psychohistory package, you'll be guided through an in-depth questionnaire designed to help us gather the essential information needed for our analysis.This step is crucial in ensuring that we can provide you with the most accurate insights on our Psychohistory report.Once you have completed the questionnaire, we will begin the psychohistory field work, and prepare your report.This report, delivered to you in PDF format, will contain valuable insights with content based on the specific package you've chosen.Your report may include the following information:- An in-depth analysis of your personal history, experiences, and influences- Insights into your subconscious patterns and their impact on your life- Key findings and recommendations for personal growth and development
Additional resources and tools to support your journey of self-discovery
Should you have any questions or require additional support, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


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AncestralResonance - Explore Your Family History
AncestralResonance uses a unique method called Psychohistory profiling to research family trees. This method goes beyond traditional genealogical research methods. It uses our special PORTAL technique that was developed through studying consciousness.Insights Beyond Facts and RecordsPsychohistory profiling may reveal aspects of your ancestors' lives that traditional methods miss. You may learn about their personalities, motivations, and experiences. This can give you a richer understanding of your family history.Transparency and ResponsibilityPsychohistory profiling is based on new research about consciousness, but it is not a conventional scientific field. We use consciousness-based technologies in the PORTAL method, but we cannot guarantee complete accuracy for the details revealed.The information from Psychohistory profiling is presented objectively. We facilitate obtaining the insights, but do not interpret, analyze, or advise. How you explore and apply this information is up to you.Understanding Your ChoiceBy using AncestralResonance, Timeline Strategies, Probable Futures Consulting International, and affiliated companies or people, you acknowledge they are not liable for any actions you take based on the provided information.Accepting The TermsPurchasing any package means you accept these terms and conditions.

AncestralResonance Privacy PolicyAncestralResonance Values Your PrivacyAt AncestralResonance, protecting your personal information is extremely important to us. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and keep your data safe when you purchase our ancestral psychohistory services.What Information We Collect and Why
The only personal information we collect from you is what's needed to process your order and perform the ancestral psychohistory analysis you requested. This may include your name, email, mailing address, phone number, and details about which ancestors you want analyzed.
We use this information solely for the purpose of establishing the vibrational connection required to accurately explore your ancestors' psychohistories through our PORTAL technique. We never sell or share your personal data for any other reason.Please do not provide any highly sensitive information like social security numbers, passwords, or financial account numbers outside of the secure payment processing system.Keeping Your Data Safe
We follow strict industry standards to ensure all the personal information you provide remains private and secure. Only the AncestralResonance team members directly working on your ancestral psychohistory analysis have access to your data.
For payment processing, we use accredited third-party companies that follow rigorous data protection protocols. We do not store any payment details ourselves.Your Privacy Rights
You have the right to access, update, or request deletion of any personal information we have on file about you at any time by contacting us.
We do not knowingly collect or keep data from anyone under 18 years old. If you are a parent/guardian who becomes aware we have a minor's information, please notify us right away.Policy Updates
We may update this Privacy Policy occasionally to comply with new laws/regulations or implement additional privacy and security measures. Any updates will be posted here.
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If you have any other questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please email our Data Protection Officer at
By using, you consent to the policies outlined above regarding how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.